International Tax Review, a recognised premium tax news and analysis website, has nominated our firm, Kraaijeveld Coppus Legal, in the category of ‘Best Newcomer’ in the field of tax advisory services.
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Tax Partner Friggo Kraaijeveld Selected Tax Lawyer Of The Year By Tax Law Experts
Friggo Kraaijeveld, tax partner of Kraaijeveld Coppus Legal, has been selected by Tax Law Experts to become the 2015’s recommended lawyer/firm in the Netherlands. Each year Tax Law Experts selects just one leading tax expert in each key country and US State....
Friggo Kraaijeveld Speaks At Conference In Cyprus
Academy & Finance and Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC organised the conference “global private clients strategies and fiscal transparency” in Limassol, Cyprus, on 5-6 February 2015. The conference focussed on the implementation of tax transparency requirements by...